Monday, January 19, 2009

One complete and three sneak peeks

One complete painting that I can't get to turn around correctly so tilt your head.
This is for a good friend's baby girl on the way.
Sneak Peeks!!!
Another baby to be present that I've barely started.
And my first painting for my first little nephew, Will who will arrive in May.
And a new beauty to go above our mantel.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A few things

We have a new artist in residence at our house.I finally got Courtney's order packaged up and ready to send to her.I can't get these pictures to load properly so tilt your head. This is for Courtney too. This is my gift for a baby shower next weekend.
And I've started a new large painting for our living room.
And I have a jillion ideas bouncing around in my head for several yet to born babies in my life.